Corporate News

Talanx’s H1 Group net income exceeds EUR 1 billion for the first time

  • Insurance revenue sees double-digit rise to EUR 23.6 (20.9) billion; Group net income up by an even greater 32 percent to EUR 1,090 (827) million
  • Share of Group net income attributable to Primary Insurance rises to 48 (44) percent
  • Combined ratio improves to 91.2 (93.7) percent
  • Return on equity increases to 20.3 (18.5) percent
  • Outlook for full year 2024: Talanx remains highly confident of clearly exceeding its Group net income target of more than EUR 1.7 billion; the forecast for the year will be reviewed after the third quarter

The Talanx Group recorded strong growth in both insurance revenue and Group net income in the first half of 2024: insurance revenue rose by 13 percent year-on-year to EUR 23.6 (20.9) billion, while Group net income climbed by as much as 32 percent to EUR 1,090 (827) million. As a result, H1 Group net income at the Talanx Group exceeded EUR 1 billion for the first time. Operating profit (EBIT) jumped 28 percent to EUR 2.5 (2.0) billion. In addition to a strong showing by the Group’s Reinsurance Operations, the main driver for the encouraging trend was Primary Insurance, which lifted its insurance revenue by 23 percent and its share of Group net income to 48 (44) percent. One key factor in the first half of the year was the good insurance service result, despite higher large loss payments in the second quarter. The return on equity rose to 20.3 (18.5) percent and is expected to be around 15 percent for the year as a whole, well above the strategic target of 10 percent. The Talanx Group will review its targets for 2024 after the third quarter.

“We are continuing to reap the rewards of our focused strategy. We are generating strong, profitable growth both in our organic business and at our acquisitions”, said Torsten Leue, Chairman of the Board of Management of Talanx AG. “Despite the higher large losses seen in Q2, we have a cushion for the hurricane season in the third quarter, which experts are forecasting will be unusually intense. As a result, we are highly confident of clearly exceeding our Group net income target for 2024 of more than EUR 1.7 billion, and will review our forecast after the third quarter.”

The insurance service result rose by 43 percent to EUR 2.3 (1.6) billion, benefiting from the fact that large loss payments were within the pro rata budget for the period. Large loss payments for the first half of the year amounted to EUR 750 (820) million. Man-made large losses were EUR 202 (245) million, while large loss payments for natural disasters totalled EUR 547 (575) million. The largest single loss sustained by the Group (EUR 174 million) was the floods caused by torrential rains in southern Germany in early summer. Other large losses related to the floods in Brazil (EUR 101 million) and the unrest in New Caledonia (EUR 82 million). The negative impact expected from the collapse of the bridge in Baltimore in the first quarter is comfortably covered by the remaining large loss budget. The combined ratio improved to 91.2 (93.7) percent. This includes the pro rata large loss budget for the period of EUR 1.1 billion, which was utilised in full.

The net insurance financial and investment result before currency effects remained stable at EUR 784 (760) million. Operating profit (EBIT) climbed 28 percent to EUR 2.5 (2.0) billion. H1 Group net income rose 32 percent to EUR 1,090 (827) million. The Solvency 2 ratio as at 30 June 2024 was 218 percent (31 March 2024: 217 percent).

Industrial Lines Division: strong, profitable growth

Industrial Lines generated clear growth in both revenue and earnings. Insurance revenue rose 14 percent year-on-year in the first half of the year to EUR 4.8 (4.2) billion; the figure after adjustment for currency effects was also 14 percent. The main drivers for this encouraging trend were the growth in new business and inflation-related price adjustments in the property, liability and specialty insurance business. The insurance service result jumped 47 percent to EUR 429 (292) million on the back of an improved loss ratio for frequency losses. Large loss payments amounted to EUR 128 (134) million, undershooting the pro rata budget for the period, which was recognised in full, by a clear EUR 86 million. The combined ratio improved to 91.1 (93.1) percent. The net insurance financial and investment result before currency effects rose to EUR 68 (49) million due to higher investment volumes and an increase in current interest income. Operating profit climbed to EUR 305 (190) million, while the division’s contribution to Group net income rose to EUR 223 (151) million.

Retail International Division: clear growth in revenue and net income

The Retail International Division also saw clear growth in revenue and net income. Insurance revenue rose 49 percent year-on-year in the first half of the year to EUR 4.6 (3.1) billion; the figure after adjustment for currency effects was 58 percent. This encouraging trend was due both to organic growth (19 percent after adjustment for currency effects) and to the inclusion for the first time of the companies in Latin America that were acquired from Liberty. In line with this, insurance revenue in Latin America doubled to EUR 2.3 (1.1) billion, meaning that the region is now responsible for 50 percent of the division’s revenue. The other 50 percent is generated in Europe, where insurance revenue was up 15 percent after six months at EUR 2.3 (2.0) billion. This encouraging development was primarily due to motor vehicle, homeowners and life insurance in Poland.

The division’s insurance service result doubled to EUR 385 (185) million. The improved combined ratio of 92.4 (95.4) percent resulted in particular from the acquisition of the former Liberty companies and to operational improvements in the motor vehicle business at HDI Seguros in Chile. The net insurance financial and investment result before currency effects rose to EUR 200 (157) million. The main drivers for this growth were the inclusion of the former Liberty companies, increased volumes and higher interest rates in Türkiye. Operating profit rose to EUR 424 (249) million despite the integration costs for the new companies in Latin America, while the division’s contribution to Group net income climbed to EUR 224 (141) million.

Based on this encouraging development, Retail International has lifted the forecast for its return on equity for full-year 2024 to more than 10 percent (previously more than 8.5 percent).

Retail Germany: revenue growth at both segments

The Retail Germany Division lifted its insurance revenue by a moderate 4 percent to EUR 1.8 (1.7) billion in the first half of the year. The insurance service result was EUR 145 (179) million due to higher large loss payments, while the net insurance financial and investment result before currency effects was EUR 36 (70) million. On the back of this, operating profit was EUR 144 (150) million and the division’s contribution to Group net income was EUR 82 (88) million.

Property/Casualty Insurance segment: all lines contribute to premium growth

Insurance revenue in the Property/Casualty Insurance segment rose by a slight 4 percent in the first half of the year to EUR 896 (861) million. All lines contributed to revenue growth. The insurance service result declined to EUR 3 (34) million due to higher motor vehicle loss payments and the floods caused by torrential rains in southern Germany – at EUR 22 million, the latter were the highest single large loss payment in the segment. As a result, the combined ratio rose to 99.7 (96.1) percent. The net insurance financial and investment result before currency effects was EUR 31 (40) million due to higher expenses associated with interest accretion on the loss reserves, while operating profit (EBIT) was EUR 16 (39) million.

Life Insurance segment: higher revenue and operating profit

Insurance revenue in the Life Insurance segment was up 4 percent to EUR 898 (861) million, primarily as a result of profitable new retirement provision business and of unemployment insurance in the bancassurance area. The insurance service result was stable at EUR 142 (145) million, while the net insurance financial and investment result before currency effects was EUR 6 (30) million. Operating profit benefited from higher interest income on bank deposits and positive exchange rate effects on investments, rising 15 percent to EUR 128 (111) million.

Reinsurance: double-digit rise in division’s contribution to Group net income

Insurance revenue in the Reinsurance Division rose by 5 percent in the first half of 2024 (6 percent adjusted for currency effects) to EUR 12.9 (12.3) billion on the back of positive revenue development in the Property/Casualty Reinsurance segment. The insurance service result jumped 31 percent to EUR 1.4 (1.1) billion, while the net insurance financial and investment result before currency effects was stable at EUR 528 (524) million. Operating profit rose 23 percent to EUR 1.7 (1.4) billion. In line with this, the division’s contribution to Group net income was 21 percent higher, at EUR 585 (484) million.

Insurance revenue in the Property/Casualty Reinsurance segment was up 9 percent after six months (10 percent adjusted for currency effects), at EUR 9.1 (8.4) billion. Consequently, the insurance service result jumped by 61 percent to EUR 963 (598) million. Large loss payments in the first half of the year amounted to EUR 567 (607) million, within the pro rata budget for the period of EUR 801 million. The largest single loss sustained by the segment was the floods caused by torrential rains in southern Germany (EUR 120 million). Other large losses were caused by the unrest in New Caledonia, an overseas French territory (EUR 82 million), the floods following strong rainstorms in Dubai and other parts of the United Arab Emirates (EUR 82 million), and the floods that followed heavy rains in Brazil (EUR 47 million). The largest single loss in the first quarter – the collapse of the bridge in Baltimore – still cannot yet be quantified in concrete terms, but will be comfortably within the large loss budget. The combined ratio improved to 87.8 (91.7) percent, below the expected figure for the full year of less than 89 percent. The net insurance financial and investment result before currency effects rose by 11 percent to EUR 396 (357) million, while operating profit (EBIT) climbed 39 percent to EUR 1,173 (841) million.

Insurance revenue in the Life/Health Reinsurance segment was down slightly at the end of the first half of the year, as had been expected, and amounted to EUR 3.8 (3.9) billion. At EUR 448 (481) million, the insurance service result is on course to hit the full-year target of more than EUR 850 million. It was buoyed by continued strong demand in the financial solutions business. The net insurance financial and investment result before currency effects was EUR 131 (167) million, resulting in operating profit (EBIT) of EUR 497 (521) million.

Outlook: targets confirmed while confidence has increased

The Talanx Group is confirming its target Group net income of more than EUR 1.7 billion for 2024 and remains highly confident of clearly exceeding this figure. It is also confirming its target return on equity of more than 15 percent.

The Talanx Group will review its forecast for the year after the hurricane season in the third quarter. It will present new medium-term targets at its Capital Markets Day on 11 December 2024.

As usual, the targets for financial year 2024 are subject to the proviso that no turbulence occurs on the currency and capital markets, and that large losses remain in line with expectations. The current geopolitical and macroeconomic situation is an additional source of uncertainty.

Condensed consolidated balance sheet for the Talanx Group

EUR billion
30 June 2024
31 December 2023
Intangible assets
Insurance contract assets
Reinsurance contract assets
Investments for own risk
Other assets
Total assets
Equity excluding non-controlling interests
Non-controlling interests in equity
Total equity
Insurance contract liabilities (technical provisions)
Reinsurance contract liabilities
Other equity and liabilities
Total equity and liabilities
Net contractual service margin (CSM)

Condensed consolidated statement of income for the Talanx Group

EUR million
6M 2024
6M 2023
Insurance revenue
Insurance service result
Net insurance financial and investment result before currency effects
Operating profit/loss (EBIT)
Group net income (after non-controlling interests in Talanx AG)
Return on equity 1
1) The ratio of annualised net income for the reporting period excluding non-controlling interests to average shareholders’ equity excluding non-controlling interests.
+1.8 ppts
Combined ratio (Property/Casualty insurance only) (net/gross)2
1) 1.0 – [(net) insurance service result divided by insurance revenue (gross)].
-2.5 ppts
  1. 1) 1) The ratio of annualised net income for the reporting period excluding non-controlling interests to average shareholders’ equity excluding non-controlling interests.
  2. 2) 1) 1.0 – [(net) insurance service result divided by insurance revenue (gross)].


This news release contains forward-looking statements which are based on certain assumptions, expectations and opinions of the Talanx AG management. These statements are, therefore, subject to certain known or unknown risks and uncertainties. A variety of factors, many of which are beyond Talanx AG’s control, affect Talanx AG’s business activities, business strategy, results, performance and achievements. Should one or more of these factors or risks or uncertainties materialise, actual results, performance or achievements of Talanx AG may vary materially from those expressed or implied in the relevant forward-looking statement. Talanx AG does not guarantee that the assumptions underlying such forward-looking statements are free from errors nor does Talanx AG accept any responsibility for the actual occurrence of the forecasted developments. Talanx AG neither intends, nor assumes any obligation, to update or revise these forward-looking statements in light of developments which differ from those anticipated.